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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO 154 Cypress, CA

Silent Sidelnes

Silent Sidelines is on April 4-6

The objective of Silent Sideline:

The purpose of this tradition is to encourage players to think and communicate with each other on the field, and to develop their decision-making skills without outside interference. This is particularly helpful for younger players who are still learning the game and developing their skills. The game is the best teacher of the game, when we allow players to make decisions in a game setting.


·        U6 and Younger – These age groups are still learning and need a lot of guidance from their coaches.  So, these guidelines do not apply to these age groups.

·        U8 – This age group may have played before but still need a little guidance.  For the coaches, please try to use one or two-word directions, more positionally directions like “spread out” - “drop back” - “move up” – Do not use words like, shoot, pass and dribble.  These are the things we want them to do without direction.

·        U10 and Above – Your coaching moments are before the game, half time, or with the players on the bench. For those on the bench, coaches should provide direction on playing strategies for when they enter the game. Coaches shall not provide any direction – verbal or non-verbal – to the players on the field. During active play, coaches should be evaluating the performance of their team and decide on coaching points to be discuss at halftime and for the next practice. When we allow the players on the field to communicate and make decisions, they learn from each other.

Players: While on the field, players are encouraged to communicate, to support and provide direction to each other. Thus, to improving their game play. Substitute players on the bench should communicate with their teammates on the field as well. Substitutes are the 12th players on the field, and they see the game from a different perspective.  Learning to use your voice as a player from the touchline is a huge tool to help their team.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not the coach telling the players what to say, this is the players watching the game and verbalizing what they are seeing to their teammates.

 Spectators: We request that you cheer and support all players. Therefore, cheering for positive accomplishments (after a score, a save, or other action) is encouraged. However, spectators shall not coach and/or direct any comments to the players, referees, or coaches. This means spectators shall not be yelling while the ball is in play. There are additional ways to cheer such as clapping, shaking a pom pom, twirling a rally towel or even get creative and make a sign with your child’s name on it.  AYSO policy does not allow for horns, whistles, or noise makers of any kind at any time.

Referees: The referee should give the coaches a friendly reminder before the game and ask the coach to handle their sidelines regarding the silent sideline rules.

Let's always encourage and support our players while they are learning and playing the game, but for this one Weekend, "Mum’s the Word."

Silent Sidelines is used in AYSO Regions throughout the country. The purpose of this tradition is to encourage players to think and communicate with each other on the field, and to develop their decision-making skills without outside interference. This is particularly helpful for younger players who are still learning the game and developing their skills. The game is the best teacher of the game, when we allow players to make decisions in a game setting. Coaches are requested to communicate and reinforce this with spectators!
The objectives of Silent Weekend are:
To emphasize that the game is about letting the kids have fun and play.
  • To show that kids can play well on their own with limited instruction.
  • To help the few parents and coaches who feel they must provide constant direction, understand how disruptive it can be.
  • To give players the chance to trust their skills and instincts without sideline input.
  • To encourage leadership skills among the individual players as they have the unique opportunity of giving their own instruction on the field.
  • To encourage a sense of true teamwork as the players must learn to rely upon one another and communicate with each other accordingly.
  • To support our volunteer referees, both youth and adult, by eliminating sideline interference and comments.

Volunteer Registration Process Information

Volunteers for Fall and Spring

Please click on the link for the procedures to Volunteer in Region 154.  The process is all governed by AYSO National.  All these steps must be completed before any volunteer gets released to a team. Volunteer roles are: Coach, Asst. Coach, Team Parent, Referee, Team Buddy, etc. 

Click here how to become a volunteer.pdf

If you have already been fingerprinted through AYSO during Fall 2022 season, you do not have to be fingerprinted again. This is mandatory through AYSO National for all volunteers: coaches, asst. coaches, team parents, referees must be fingerprinted.  You ask if you already have this done through work do you need to do it again? And the answer is YES, through AYSO now! If you are unsure, contact the CVPA.

Team Parent/Coach Mtg Handouts

Team Parent/Coach Handouts 

See attached handouts for the Team Parents Folder that we handed out on August 8, 2024 meeting. If you could not attend contact Stella Team Parent Coordinator (contact tab) for the information your team needs.

For the OC tickets our Treasurer will be at Lexington Jr HS  for you to turn in your order form and money  on:
Date: TBD

Presentation: coach-parent meeting - fall 2023 presentation.pdf
OC Soccer Order Form: oc soccer flyer 2024.pdf
OC Collection Information: oc soccer collection.pdf
Volunteer Points: 
Brochure: brochure 2023.pdf

Picture Times and Volunteer Times for September 8th: picture day coach-volunteer revised 9.1.24.pdf
Picture Day Information/Handouts Powerpoint Presentation: coach-parent meeting - fall 2024..pdf
Picture Day Handouts : picture day flyer 9.8.24.pdf
Basket Ideas: basket ideas.pdf
Form A to attach to basket: form a picture day 2024.pdf

Picture Order for for Additional Pictures pricesheet 2024.pdf
(AYSO Package includes individual picture, team picture, photo button and mat to display)

A form will be given to each parent on Picture Day to be filled out .1 per player must be filled out.





Parent Meetings

Coach Meeting and Team Parent Mandatory Meeting

This is an informational meeting for the upcoming Fall 2024 season.
We will be handing out packets for teams with lots of important paperwork.
If  you can't attend send an assist coach or representative from your team.

  • August 8th
    Cypress Community Center (5700 Orange Ave)
    5:30-8 pm

  • NEW this Fall 2024, Field Marshall duties for Points : field marshall program.pdf

  • Each team must have 2 volunteers for the shift (see pdf for date/location/time).  See what your shift involves on the fields, mostly to make sure games are running smoothly. 

Any questions: contact your division director on the contact tab.

Here is the PowerPoint shown at the meeting in Fall 2024: coach-parent meeting - fall 2024..pdf

Parent Information Meeting for all Registered Fall 2024 Players

Mandatory Parent Meeting:
At this meeting we will go over the guidelines for the divisions, expectations, volunteer positions that each parent will play and then meet your coach.
Meetings will be held at Lexington Park from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. See schedule below of divisions.

All EXTRA players parents must attend also. Just attend the meeting of your child's division/age group!

Monday, July 29th
5:00 - EPIC (formerly VIP)
6:00 - Division U5 & U6
7:00 - Division U10

Tuesday, July 30th
5:00 - Division U8
6:00 - Division U12
7:00 - Division U14, 16, 19

If you have any questions please contact your Division Director (see contact page)

Fall 2024

All Games on Matchtrak

Region 154, Area , Upper Divisions, and EXTRA Games: 

To access game schedules: 
Regions (U8-U12) games click on icon of Cypress Region 154 Spring, for Area E (U14) click on icon Area 11E Spring, for Section (U16-U19) click on the icon of under Section 11 Core Spring, for EXTRA click under Section 11 EXTRA icon Spring. To access the games click on tab GAMES, then DIVISION, then on your division, shown by dates.

Also guidelines for use of games/practices at Lexington Jr High and Lexington Park click here.

Field Duty - Friday Night Games and Saturday Games
Paint fields, set up goals, put up flags 1 hour before game time

If you  are FIRST game of the day- Indicated by a Sunshine
(if away team is from another region (outside Cypress or Cerritos), home team does all of the field set-up/take-down)

Teams: Paint the fields, set up the goals, put on nets, place sandbags on goals, place corner and half-line flags.

If you are the LAST game of the dayIndicated by a Clock on Saturday
(if away team is from another region (outside Cypress or Cerritos), home team does all of the field set-up/take-down but you can ask for assistance)

Both teams break down goals and bring them along with nets and flags to the containers. Clean the trash around the fields.

FAQ Registration

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Game Schedule Information

The 2024 Fall game schedules for U5 COED, U6 girls/boys, U8 girls/boys, U10 girls/boys and U12 girls/boys are posted on Matchtrak.

ATTACHED Game fields map for LJHS and Park Lexington

U5 COED and U6 girls/boys
  • 3 - fields at  LJHS grass field
  • All games start at 9:00 AM
  • Cypress Cup  - Jamboree (schedule TBD)
  • U5 COED = GU5 schedule: 
  • GU6 schedule: 
  • BU6 schedule: 
U8 girls and boys
  • 4 - fields at LJHS
  • All games start at 8:00 AM with a 15-minute break between each games
  • Cypress Cup  - two games for each team
  • GU8 schedule: 
  • BU8 schedule: 
U10 girls and boys
  • 2 - fields at LJHS
  • All games start at 10:00 AM with a 15 - minute break between games
  • Friday Night Games: U10 girls with have 2-Friday night games at 6:00 PM and 7:15 PM
  • Cypress Cup (night games)  - schedule TBD based on season end standings
  • GU10 schedule: 
  • BU10 schedule: 
U12 girls and boys
  • 1 - field at LJHS
  • All games start at 8:00 AM. 60-minute game with a 15-minute break between games. NOTE: Possible Saturday night games.
  • Friday Night Games
  • Cypress Cup  (night games)  - schedule TBD based on season end standings
  • GU12 Schedule: 
  • BU12 Schedule: 
U14/U16/U19 + Extra
  • Season starts 9/7/2024. Schedule TBD by Area/Section. ETA for schedule = Labor Day weekend 
  • U14/U16/U19 all games at Lexington JHS
  • Extra U9, U10, U11 and U12 at LJHS
  • Extra U13 at Park Lexington
Fields for games: 
Lexington Jr. High - Arnold - Lexington Park game fields lex jrhs lex park.pdf

Parent FAQ's


Is my child the right age for AYSO soccer?
The effective date of age determination for registration shall be the player's age as of December 31 looking ahead of the Membership Year.  Example: For MY2024 the division the child will be placed in  will be determined based on their age on December 31st

In which age group or division will my child play?
Players are placed in age divisions 5U, 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U and 19U (U stands for Under that age. For example: 12U means children that are 12 years of age and under as of December 31, 20xx.)  Here is the birthdate chart.pdf to help you determine what age group.

What makes AYSO different?
Our mission is to provide quality youth soccer programs where everyone builds positive character through participation in a safe, fun, family-oriented soccer environment. AYSO’s six philosophies separate us from the pack:

  • Everyone Plays
  • Balanced Teams
  • Open Registration
  • Positive Coaching
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Player Development

What other soccer expenses can I anticipate this year?
Not included in the registration fees are the required shin guards, appropriate shoes, and a strongly recommended practice ball. In addition, the team parents will possibly request a small amount to cover the expenses of a team banner, hair pieces (for the girls), end of season team party and a small gift for the coach. Also, each family is often requested to bring snacks for the team at one game during the season. Soccer supplies can be purchased at many locations.   

My child does not meet the minimum age range for the AYSO Fall season, but he/she is very [big/strong/athletic/coordinated] for his/her age. Can we still sign up for the upcoming Fall season?
No. AYSO is a national organization with very strict guidelines regarding age requirements. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players being the proper age to play and being placed in their age appropriate divisions. Children who do not meet the age requirement are not permitted to play. Be patient – they’ll grow up before you know it!

In school, my child is with classmates who are [younger/older]. May my child “play down” in a younger division or “play up” in an older division to be on teams with kids with whom he/she goes to school?
No. AYSO is a national organization that determines the player divisions based on birth dates. The AYSO “year” runs from January 1st through December 31st. AYSO’s accident and liability insurance depends on the players placed in their age appropriate divisions. Many children are in “different” divisions than their school classmates. We encourage you to view this as a positive experience – it will allow your child to broaden his/her relationships outside of school and enjoy making new friends.


When do the players get called?
Teams may typically begin practice August 1st. Coaches will contact the players/parents at least 1 week prior to their first scheduled practice. At this time, the coaches will provide all the information you will need in regards to practice times and location. If you have not heard from a coach, please contact the Division Director for your child(s) age group.

What uniform will my child receive?
Each player will receive a team uniform which should be worn at all games and will include a team jersey, soccer shorts, and soccer socks.

How often are practices and games?
Practices are held once or twice a week and games are played Saturday. Location of games and practices will be determined by the region administration with schedules provided to you by your child's coach.  5U/6U and 8U cannot practice after 7:30 pm.  10U and older cannot practice after 9:00 pm.  Players are restricted to the following hours of soccer per week, which includes practice, warm-up, and game time: 6U – 3 hours (3), 8U - five (5) hours, 10U and older – six (6) hours.

When is Opening Day / Picture day?
Opening Day / Picture Day usually takes place in September.

When does the Season Begin?
The season begins late August or early September. However, it may change from time to time and always best to confirm by visiting our calendar of events.


What is the duration of the games?
For the younger divisions, the games take about 1 hour to complete. For the older divisions, the games take about 1.5 hours to complete.

What should I bring to my child’s practices and games?
Shin guards (required), soccer shoes, a soccer ball, uniform (games only) and water. Also, bringing a well rested, well hydrated, nutritionally balanced child with a positive attitude and willingness to learn is highly recommended!

Do I have to get soccer shoes for my child to play?
Soccer shoes are not mandatory, but are highly recommended (regular athletic shoes with no cleats are the alternative). When buying soccer shoes, they cannot have a toe cleat (baseball shoes have a toe cleat). Generally speaking, nearly all players at all age levels use soccer shoes for practices and games.

What size soccer ball should I get for my child?
Divisions U5 through U8 use a Size 3 ball.
Divisions U10 and U12 use a Size 4 ball.
Divisions U14 and above use a Size 5 ball.

Why are the children required to wear their soccer socks over their shin guards?
Safety is the primary reason. Some types of shin guards are hard shell instead of soft, and may have sharp edges that could cut a player. By wearing their socks over the shin guards, players protect each other. Also, wearing the socks over the shin guards prevent the shin guards from shifting during running or when being kicked, which allow the shin guards to protect the areas they are supposed to.

Is it OK for players to wear jewelry during practice and game?
No. Jewelry of any kind (necklaces, watches, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.) cannot be worn during practice or games.  There is an exception for Med-Alert bracelets, but they must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band for the safety of your child and all the other players.

The doctor said that my child can play with his arm splint. Will AYSO allow him/her to play?
No. While the doctor may be representing your son’s interest appropriately, the risk to other players mandates that he limit his participation to that of moral support on the sidelines. Players may not wear casts or splints which could possibly cause injury to himself/herself or another player. NO EXCEPTIONS. This applies at the games as well as at practices.

What about eyeglasses and hearing aids?
Glasses, hearing aids, and med-alerts may be worn to practices and games. The use of an eyeglass holder/strap or sports-glasses is recommended. As stated above, Med-Alerts must be completely covered with tape or a soft cloth band as a safety measure.

It can be cold during the early morning Fall season games. Can my child wear a sweatshirt during the games?
Any extra articles of clothing must be worn under the uniform (so you can still determine which team a player is associated with). It is recommended that any extra articles of clothing be limited to undershirts or turtle necks (under the uniform). Try to coordinate with your team’s colors if possible. Any extra articles cannot have any zippers or any plastic/metal components of any kind.

What kinds of hair accessories are acceptable?
Any hair accessories should not be made of metal or plastic, and should not be rigid. Soft hair accessories such as “scrunchies” and soft rubber bands are recommended and acceptable.

Where do the parents sit during the game?
Parents need to stay on their team’s side line between the top of each penalty box.  The 'home' team sits on the west or north side of the field, and the 'visitor' team site on the opposite side.  Parents 'coaching' all the way down the lines, behind the goals, and/or on the other team's side of the field is not allowed.  There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards the youth referees.  They are learning and are children.  Also, no yelling at the referees.  They are volunteers.

Team Parent Responsiblities

Team Parent Responsibilities 

  • Complete the AYSO Volunteer form (completed annually) and submit to the Division Director (if new, prepare to show photo id)

  • Safe Haven complete (one time class, check on eayso for your completed certifications)

  • CDC concussion training (one time class, check on eayso for your completed certifications)

  • Get a copy of the first page of each child’s registration form.  Have one person listed as a guardian to sign their name, in RED ink, at the bottom of their child’s form.  The team’s forms will need to be at every practice, game, and team event in case of emergencies.  The coach should have an identical set with them at all times as well.

  • Attend all team parent meetings.  Check AYSO 154 Calendar for more information.

  • Manage your Team's Website on the ayso154 website.

  • Optional – purchase or make a team banner or flag, make a goal can to help raise funds for the end of the year team party, create an after game snack schedule, make sure the website team roster is completed, coordinate the end of the season party, create a phone tree, etc.

  • Help complete the team volunteer form.

How to Add a Volunteer Role

After Registration? What happens next?

Once I have Registered my child, what happens next?

  • You will hear from a coach by the end of July
  • Your child will need to have ready for practices, shin guards, cleats (no toe cleat like baseball cleats have) and a ball (most sporting good stores start putting specials in their ads)
  • Practices will be 1-2 times a week depending on coaches availability.  Younger teams practice early, older teams practice later hours.
  • Practices begin early August
  • Games begin late August/early September

What do the fees cover? Your child will receive a full uniform (jersey, shorts, socks), team and individual pictures, player insurance, and depending on age, a trophy/medal.

Helpful Information click on link:
brochure 2019.pdf
codes of conduct 2019.pdf
parking enforcement 2019.pdf
who in the world does all this.pdf

Kids Zone

In AYSO, fans are asked to be cheerleaders, not critics. Kids Zone® is a unique program that includes a parent pledge that moms and dads sign to commit to positive, encouraging behavior when they're watching the games. It also includes signs, buttons and other game-day reminders. 
Soccer is a player's game. Players learn the game by trying new things, making mistakes and trying again. Sideline critics who scream instructions at players or criticize referees or coaches just slow down the learning process and make it less fun for everyone. 
Negative, even violent, behavior of players, coaches and parents involved in youth sports has become almost epidemic in the U.S. Kids Zone® is a proactive effort to counteract this trend.

Kid Zone Pledge

Kids are No. 1.
Fun, not winning, is everything.
Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.
No yelling in anger
Respect the volunteer referees.

No swearing or abusive behavior.
No alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
No weapons.
Leave no trash behind.
Set a proper example of sportsmanship

Picture Day 9/10/23

Picture Day Sunday, September 8, 2024 9:00am-3:00pm

Cypress Community Center - 5700 Orange Ave, Cypress

Picture Schedules and Volunteer Schedules -It's ready with no more changes!
Volunteer Times for teams: 

Team Photo Schedule: 

Winning Top Selling $ Basket - 1 team per division and B/G will win a free pizza party for the team!

Baskets must be worth at least $50.  They must be presented in an already clear wrap and container. Auction Baskets must be dropped off 8:00am on 9/8 at Cypress Community Center.

Participation Guidelines:

* Plan to have players arrive 30 minutes before scheduled picture time. Teams will line up on grassy area.
* Players are to line up outside with social distancing. 
     -No lining up inside of building
     -Players will be escorted into the building after the previous team has exited.  Exiting players will use different door.
* NO Cleats in building
* Only team personnel will be allowed into the building with players
* Only team members & team personnel will be allowed in team pictures
* Each player must have a completed picture form , even if picture package are not being ordered (see below). We will hand out during your picture time. forms will be given to you when team is lined up. MANDATORY 1 Form per Player. Additional picture packages can be purchased and paid for this day with cash, check, or CC.
     -The basic package is already included as part of registration fees.  This includes one player picture, wallets size, one          player team picture and player button at not extra cost.  Additional items can be ordered on the picture form.
* Volunteer schedule will be 1 hour of prior to picture time.
* Food Trucks -  Kona Ice Truck! and Tropic Truck
For questions contact: [email protected]

See attached for parents/teams all handouts for Picture Day are above:
Each player must have a Form - TBD
Teams use this form for the basket items:



Saturday, June 8th and 22nd - Be there at least 15 minutes prior!

8:30-9:30 - U14 and older - birthyears 2006-2011

9:30-10:30 - U12 - birthyear 2012-2013

10:30-11:30 - U10 - birthyear 2014-2015

Deft Touch Soccer Center
3842 Catalina St., Los Alamitos

Wear Tennis Shoes or Cleats
Contact Coach Admin John Neeper for more information: [email protected]

Must be a registered player new for the 2024 Fall Season, if you played 2023 Fall Season, you do not need to attend.


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AYSO 154 Cypress, CA

PO Box 999 
Cypress, California 90630

Email Us: [email protected]
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