10U & older are Competitive divisions.
10U and older cannot practice after 9:00 pm. Players are restricted to six hours of soccer per week, which includes practice, warm-up, and game time.
Each team must provide three (3) AYSO certified referees prior to the beginning of the season. Each team will be responsible for having one of their team’s referees sign up on Matchtrak and complete an AR duty for their game if playing a Cypress team and if the position is open within Matchtrak. If they are playing a team from outside of Cypress they will be responsible for providing both ARs.
Required Number of Players for a game
10U - Seven (7) players on the field. Minimum number of players for an official game is five (5).
12U – Nine (9) players on the field. Minimum number of players for an official game is seven (7).
14U and older – Eleven (11) players on the field. Minimum number of players for an official game is seven (7).
It is highly encouraged that all players play a minimum of three (3) quarters per game.
Game score reporting
Shall be reported by the winning coach or the home team in the case of a tie, using the Regional website (www.matchtrak.com) within 24 hours of the completion of the game. Follow the online instructions.
Point System
Win 3 points, Tie 1 point, Loss 0 points.
Awards will be given to the first, second, and third place teams.
Tie Breakers: head to head play, least goals allowed, team with the most goals (maximum 3 per game), goal differential of all games with 3 goals being counted as the maximum goal differential per game, team with the fewest losses, coin flip.
Player Suspensions
Cautionable Offenses - If a player receives three (3) cautions over a three (3) game period, the player will receive an automatic one (1) game suspension.
Sending Off Offenses - The following four offenses are considered to be unacceptable behavior: guilty of serious foul play, guilty of violent conduct (strikes or attempts to strike), spits or attempts to spit at an opponent or any other person, or uses offensive, insulting, abusive or degrading and/or gestures.
If a player is sent off for any of the above offenses, the player will receive a minimum of a two (2) game suspension. The Review Board, consisting of Board members, after reviewing all of the facts, shall have the right to increase or decrease the suspension – including the suspension of the player for the balance of the season.
A suspended player may be present for the suspended games, but is not required to be present. They will not be allowed to be present in the technical area. They will be required to sit on the parent side of the field.
The coach shall note this on the game card and notify the referee team of the suspension.
U14,16,19 will play Area and Section Guidelines. Area www.area11e.org and www.section11.org