The reduced fee for Fall 2025 is only $150.00. If you are interested in sponsoring a player/team please fill out form below and mail in with check or email with credit card #. If you would like to sponsor for the region call me (no player or team, we will assign you to one). Your business name will be added to the website for 2024. Sponsors receive a plaque with team picture. If a team has a 2nd or 3rd Sponsor, the region will give bring a pizza at their practice for the team!If you have any problems please email me at [email protected]. Form is sponsorship form 2025-2026.pdf Remember to get your sponsors in early!Please make sure you complete the Sponsorship Form in its entirety so we can give the coach the correct information on the player/team receiving the sponsorship. Or you can email directly to me or mail to the PO Box.
Thank you, AYSO Sponsorship Coordinator
PO Box 999 Cypress, California 90630